To prepare students of the school so that they have academic, emotional and physical strength, wisdom and conviction of their own for choosing a virtuous and rightful path for themselves. This path should eventually lead them to a worthy position in the society. The potential for academic and other positive activities in each and every student is tapped and cultivated to the top. It is ensured that to earn a good name for the school, potential in a selected few need not be highlighted at the cost of larger good of students. The latest innovations in education technology including audio – visual, computer aids are employed to make instructions process uptodate and interesting. Habits/traits to be cultivated among students leading to their personality development: physically fit, having sense of personal hygiene and optimum attiring, having pleasant appearance and manners with a sense of humour, respecting self and others, having self-discipline, self-confident, capable of self defence, problem identification and solving, hard working, cooperative and team attitude, maintaining enthusiasm and zealot spirit, supporter of truth and justice, scientific temperament, rational and prudent thinker, having common sense, heckler of superstition of all types, sense of responsibility, leadership capability, courageous, appreciating value of time, and supporter of fellow beings, animals, preserve of natural resources and environment. Learning process is through positive motivation only, avoiding any corporal punishment and aimed at fostering rational, independent thinking and scientific temperament. Physical fitness of students is attained to the normal level through daily drill/P.T. and games. Fine arts training is being imparted through regular classes and special programs. Particular attention for development of reading habit, mathematical attitude, rational/logical thinking and problem solving stamina among students is paid. Spoken and written linguistic expression in English and Hindi among staff and students is always endeavoured to be flawless. Education is made an uncomplicated and integral part of way of life and not an externally imposed factor. It may not require the popular paradigm of sugar coating of ‘play way method’. Reverence for Indian cultural ethos and its rich heritage is developed in students. Nevertheless the national boundary should not hinder them from thinking in terms of international brotherhood and working for its realization. Consistent quality education is made available to all the students and not to a few selected ones. Special classes are conducted for weak students without any extra charge. Private tuitions by the teachers or anybody else are discouraged Education is principle based and not merely value based. Environment in the premises is free from pollution of all types, mental as well physical. It is nurtured so as to promote academic excellence, oriented towards realization of set objectives. Each and every activity and the entire thought process going on through out the school passes the criterion that it coincides with the development of the students in general. To explore for improvement in entire machine of the school at all times and realization of it. Staff is properly and positively motivated, adequate job enrichment is accomplished for achieving the highest of their respective performance level. Staff appointments procedure, appraisal systems, leave regulations, salary structure, perquisites, and benefits are documented, codified and implemented. In case students leave the school before completing it they become capable enough to get admission in good schools anywhere in the country. A three-way system for the suggestion, complaint and feedback from parents of students includes a half yearly Parent-Teacher Meeting, evolved for parent participation in the management. For day to day interaction parents can meet teachers at fixed hours on every Saturday. The third way of interaction is through Students Hand Book.