Harbor Grey Colour half sleeves shirt with Ebony collar and stripe on sleeves corners. Ebony Colour half pant, harbor grey socks, black round shape front shoes with lace and school belt.
Harbor Grey Colour half sleeves shirt with Ebony collar and stripe on sleeves. Ebony round neck tunic skirt, harbor grey socks, black shape with black ribbon and school belt.
Harbor Grey Colour half sleeves shirt with Ebony collar and stripe on sleeves. Ebony Colour full pants, harbor grey socks, black round shape front shoes with lace and school belt.
Harbor Grey Colour half sleeves shirt with Ebony collar and stripe on sleeves corner . Ebony round neck tunic skirt, harbor grey socks, White shoes with black ribbone and school belt.
Harbor Grey Colour half sleeves shirt with Ebony colour collar and stripe on sleeves . Ebony colour full pants, harbor grey socks, black round shape front shoes with lace school belt.
Harbor Grey half sleeves kurta with stripes on sleeves corner of ebony colour. Ebony salwar and dupatta, harbor grey socks, black shoes with black ribbone.
Ebony pullover with prescribed harbor grey stripes.
Ebony cardigans with prescribed harbor grey stripes.
white base half sleeves t-shirt, shoulders and sleeves colours of their respective houses with mono of school, white half-pant or full pant, white belt, white socks with coloured stripe white canvas shoes.
white base half sleeves t-shirt, shoulders and sleeves with colours of their respective houses with meno of school, white full pants, white socks with coloured strips shoes, white belt.
white kurta round neck, white salwar and dupatta of respective house with mono of school white socks with coloured stripe and white canvas shoes
t-shirt same as boys, white skirt cum divider, white belt, white socks with colour stripe white canvas shoes, and with white ribbon.
White pullovers with prescribed house colour stripe.
White cardigan with prescribed house colour stripe.